Friday, October 21, 2022

Storyteller's Journey

Finding Solace
Sometimes the chaotic and complex state of our world weighs me down. It feels like I have no control over the craziness all around. It's at times like these that I turn to my time-tested ways to find solace.

- Spending time in the out of doors.
- Enjoying the company of my friends.
- Writing poetry.
- Reading great novels and biographies.
- Limiting the minutes that I watch news programs on T.V.
- Leaning on my faith; spirituality is important to me.
- Remaining true to myself. Continue doing my daily routine.

It's important to me to maintain a sense of peace in my own little life, with my friends and family. If I can't be a peacemaker in my corner of the world, why should I be surprised if I see a lack of peace in the wider world? We would all do well to find solace within ourselves, so we can spread peace to others. Maybe then our world could change.