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Treasure Your Time
One of the challenges I've faced on my storyteller's journey has been maintaining my momentum as a writer - especially when I've sent out submissions for one of my projects.
The process of sending out query letters to literary agents is not only nerve-wracking, it requires a lot of patience. Then, if you receive a rejection, managing your disappointment is an additional challenge.
Early on in my writing career, I was not only sidelined with a rejection, I would sometimes even doubt my desire to be a published author. This is not an uncommon sentiment among many aspiring authors.
So what's a writer to do?
While each writer must find her own way, I firmly believe you must
treasure your time. Don't allow yourself to waste your time. Here are the ways I manage my time while waiting to hear back from agents:
Keep writing! Whether it be a new project, or something completely different like journaling, keep writing. It's a perfect time to "cross-train your creativity" by penning a poem or a screenplay. (Click
here to read one of my recent blog posts on this very subject.)
Catch up on your reading list. All writers are aware of the unanimous advice from literary professionals that a writer must read. Pick up a new book and crack the spine!
Research a new project. I absolutely love doing research. (I could blog on that subject alone!) Most writers have several story ideas bouncing around in their brains. Take your free time, and learn more about your possible new project.
Attend a writers' conference. Learning from professionals and networking with other writers is always a great way to maintain your momentum and inspiration. While certain times of the year have fewer events available, there are always podcasts, blog posts, and articles you can catch up on. Feed your creativity!
The belief in treasuring my time (by keeping busy), has given me the chance to create several stories for children in the last twelve years:
The Scandinavian Santa - Completed & Published (Independently)
The Tale of Willaby Creek - Completed & Published (Independently)
Journey to Snowdonia - Completed & Published (Independently)
Livvi Biddle and the Sibylline Scroll - Completed - submitting
Livvi Biddle Series outlined for additional books
The Whim of Winter - Completed text; illustrations incomplete
Cloud Mountain - Completed first draft of a MG novel
Untitled MG Novel - Work in progress
(Visit Writ of Whimsy next Friday to learn about my new project!)
In addition to writing-related activities, it's important to nurture your entire being. Here are a few ideas:
Exercise, garden, connect with friends, catch up with your family, get a massage, see a new movie, take a weekend trip, and on and on.
However, remember: Your time is a treasure. Keep writing!