Friday, March 15, 2024

Storyteller's Journey

Spring Break!

I'll be taking a break to hopefully enjoy the spring sunshine. Gardening, hiking, and reconnecting with my friends are at the top of my list. (We also still need to work on finishing the landscaping around our house.)

Click here to read my recent quarterly newsletter.

Wishing each of you a sensational spring season!

Friday, March 8, 2024

Storyteller's Journey

Hurry up, Spring!

While the calendar indicates that spring is just around the corner, the weather in the Pacific Northwest hasn't received the memo! (It snowed here several days the first week of this month.)

While I love the season of winter, I'm definitely ready for a change in the climate. Getting out in nature is one of the primary ways I receive inspiration. However, I admit that I'm a fair-weather hiker, so heavy rain will always keep me inside. Until we see drier weather, I guess it's more writing & reading...and Pilates, for me! (Photo from our common area.)

Friday, March 1, 2024

Storyteller's Journey

Missing My Friends

During my battle with cancer, one of the things I missed the most was seeing my friends. It wasn't that I couldn't see them, but my symptoms of weakness, fatigue, nausea, etc. made it difficult to spend quality time with my friends.

During the last year, I've always felt their love and support, even though I wasn't able to physically be with them. However, every day I grow stronger, and feel better. I'm looking forward to reconnecting with my friends very soon. Many of my friends are also writers - or at least lovers of literature. I've missed conversations about the writing and reading journey we're each travelling. Friends are what life is all about!