Friday, October 21, 2016

Storyteller's Journey

Photo Credit: Public Domain
     Consistency as a Scribe

As I mentioned in last Friday's post, I was scheduled for arthroscopic knee surgery on Tuesday of this week - all went well. However, I do have to take it easy for several days, which means staying off my feet for as much as possible. It would have been a great excuse to take a break from writing, but I felt if I went down that path I might lose the momentum I've worked so hard to maintain.

I believe it's important to write every day. But there are a variety of ways to do that. Here's my list to maintain consistency as a scribe:


*A blog post

*A magazine article

*A poem

*A journal entry

*A short story

*A chapter for a new project

*A letter to a friend

*A to-do list

*A comment on your favorite blog

*A new bio

*A synopsis

*A query letter (Which is one of the items I worked on this week!)

The possibilities for the scribe to maintain a daily writing regime are endless. But, why is it important to write in a variety of ways?

Because sometimes location, commitments, or physical predicament require us to pursue our writing in a different fashion. Then too, it's good to just mix up our routine occasionally - it can rejuvenate creativity. (In my case, my routine got mixed up for me!) It can also ensure a scribe's passion for writing remains fresh, not humdrum.

Woody & Stick have been my constant companions this week. I was doing so well that, unfortunately, I overdid my post-op exercises and strained my left leg. Must adhere to my surgeon's instructions better!