Friday, January 22, 2016

Storyteller's Journey

Why I Love Middle Grade Books

When I noticed this campaign to spread the love for middle grade books, I just had to participate! Then it got me thinking: Why do I love middle grade books so much? First, I should say, that not only do I enjoy writing middle grade, I also enjoy reading middle grade! (I guess I just never grew up!)

One  reason I enjoy writing middle grade stories is that since the readers in that age bracket - eight to twelve (or even up to 14) - are in the process of learning who they are, they're more interested in reading a variety of genres. That gives a writer a better chance to sell whatever genre it is she writes.There is some gratification, as a writer, knowing that the young people who read my books might be positively influenced by something in my stories. I enjoy writing light fantasy books about animals and childhood - with a bit of coming of age thrown in - those elements in a book won't fly with a young adult! These are the main reasons I love writing middle grade books so much.

The reason I enjoy reading middle grade stories is that they're more about a young person spreading her wings - and using her imagination -  as she learns about the world. Whereas young adult and adult novels sometimes rely too much on the romantic element for the characters. Too many times the romance element in a YA story causes the protagonist to draw her strength from that relationship. Since I like being inspired, and strengthened by a book, I find that I usually enjoy middle grade books much more - especially those that include animals. Besides, as I mentioned above, I think I just never really grew up!

This seems like a good time to remind you that my middle grade animal fantasy novel is still being featured on a Book Launch Party hosted by SCBWI. If you'd like a chance to win a signed copy, click here to visit the launch party and then merely sign my guest book on the sidebar. The winners will be announced on Friday, April 1st.

(By the way, if you'd like to participate in the I Love Middle Grade campaign on Twitter, don't forget to use the hashtag: #iLOVEMG.)