In Pursuit of Two Paths
Several weeks ago, while I was at a writers' conference, my husband - Michael, received some great news. His gallery director invited him to have a solo show of his oil paintings at the Art on the Boulevard where Michael is represented. As great as this news is, it requires us to do a bit of traveling in our neck of the woods, since the title of Michael's show is: "Moods of the Pacific Northwest." (Scheduled - February 2013.)
Every once in a while the two of us must go different directions as we pursue our two separate paths. However, sometimes things come together in a wonderful way. In Michael's attempt to include me on his "artist's journey," he has reserved a cabin for us at a wonderful retreat center next week, where he can paint - and I can read, hike, and write! But, the thing is...there is no T.V. reception, no cell phone reception, and no WiFi! The nearest place to get on the Internet is the town's General Store - I'm not kidding! So, I will continue blogging next week, but I may be slow to get back to you if you leave a comment.
If you're curious about the bucolic setting where we'll be staying,
here is the link to the Mt. Adams Lodge:
Do you ever incorporate your writing into your family's activities?