In my attempt to compose a more complete and textured manuscript I was reminded of using a Story Ladder from a good writer friend of mine. I had first learned of this writers' aid last fall at a SCBWI retreat - however, at that time the concept seemed too complicated to be practical. I have taken the model my friend shared, and personalized it to fit my needs. Wow, has it been a helpful format to organize my plot line. I plan on using this aid for my subsequent manuscripts. However, next time I will fill it out as I complete each chapter!
Below is a photo of half of the Story Ladder for my WIP.
On the left, down the side, is the number of each chapter. Across the top is a space for four scenes/events, characters in each chapter, a summary, and a few blank columns for specific items I want to track in my story. Using this guide has allowed me to see places where I should include a secondary character again, where specific characters are included in the story, where specific events take place, and a variety of other details - all at a glance. As I have worked to create a more polished MS to submit, this aid has shed light as to where it still needs work. I'm hoping to send off query letters by the end of October - wish me luck!
Do you use a Story Ladder, or have a favorite way to track your story?