Friday, April 13, 2018

Storyteller's Journey

The Gift of Solitude

It's been ten years since my youngest son left home for college and subsequently settled in Brooklyn, New York. That was the same year our little dog, Robin, passed away. Since my husband still has a day job, it's been pretty quiet around here since then. At first I struggled with the change of dynamics in our home, and dealt with depression, as I mentioned a few weeks ago. However, as the months and years have passed by, I've come to appreciate the fact that I have a quiet place in which to write my stories.

In fact, I realize that I'm actually lucky! Many writers have told me they struggle with day jobs and/or the schedules of their children. Since I'm an introvert, the solitude has allowed me to read, blog, and grow as a writer. Having so much free time has enabled me to do extensive research for my manuscripts - which made my stories so much better. I've even published two of my three books, which taught me so much about the world of publishing, and marketing, books for children.

However, the biggest benefit I've realized from my solitude is the ability to reconnect with my own soul. After being a full-time health care professional for many years - and a hands-on mom of three boys - like many women, my own hobbies and desires got lost along the way. We recently joined an athletic club which has allowed me to participate in yoga and meditation again. It's added a sense of peace to my life. I've also picked up other long lost hobbies - like playing my flute.

All this started by being alone - by having the freedom and solitude in which to explore my creativity. Solitude allowed me to reinvent myself.

This process hasn't been easy. In fact, is was one of the toughest things I've ever done. Like many difficult tasks, once they're completed they often offer the most satisfaction. This journey has been worth it. Now all I have to do is keep creating stories to inspire young readers. In fact, it's time for this scribe to get back to blissful solitude!