Extra Sets of Eyes
No, I'm not creating a new creepy character! The extra sets of eyes I'm referring to are those found in the new critique group I recently joined.
Photo courtesy of the Public Domain.
We hear it all the time as writers: "The more eyes that review your work, the better." I have never found that statement more true in all the years I've been writing than at the first meeting of my new group. I should say that all the other writers in this critique group are extremely experienced writers...I hope I can hold up my end of the bargain!
The feedback that each member gave to my middle grade manuscript was nothing short of spectacular. I was so inspired by their critiques that the next day I worked for several hours on revisions...and that is after my novel has been rewritten three times, revised countless times, and been edited! It would be grand enough if this group was just comprised of great writers, but these ladies are as nice as they come. An added bonus is that we rotate our meetings in each of our homes. This really helps me out since Michael and I already host a monthly art group of oil painters at our house. I am so thankful to have found a new critique group to call home.
Do you belong to a critique group? How has it benefited your writing?