Friday, February 14, 2014

Storyteller's Journey

            The Heart of A Story

Although Valentine's Day is today, the heart on the left also illustrates the importance of the core elements of a novel - the heart of a story. I recently attended a writers' meeting where this topic was discussed and found the subject so fascinating that I thought I'd pursue it further on my blog.

I will start by mentioning that the idea of the core elements of a story - or its core - was brought up at the meeting I mentioned, after a fellow writer shared about an article she'd read by author Maggie Stiefvater. You should definitely take the time to read the post - it's great stuff!

I have been pondering the idea of what the core of my own story is for the last two weeks. What parts of it are "sacred" to me? What story elements might possibly be non-negotiable when working with an editor? In short, what is the heart of my story?

At first I thought the answer to my questions would be found within the story's theme, and that is definitely part of it. However, I finally realized that the true heart of my story was found within the personality of my protagonist. When I write, I slip into the persona of my main character much like an actor prepares for a role. I believe I know my "leading lady" better than anyone else. If faced with the option of significantly changing who she is, I'm not sure if I could accept that. Chalk that up to my roots as a  poet...I put my heart into everything that I write.

What would your novel's core be? What is the heart of your story?

                       Happy St. Valentine's Day!