Friday, April 5, 2024

Storyteller's Journey

Northwest Beauty

Earlier this week we were treated to 70 degree weather; I wasted no time in getting out for a hike in our thirty-acre common area. The sights and sounds were just glorious after a very long winter.

As I've said numerous times before, nature serves as my primary inspiration as a writer. This scene seems magical, like a fairy or dryad could pop out at any moment!

This hidden spot also gave me a sense of the magical or even the mysterious. I am so grateful for the setting in which my husband and I now live. The beauty all around us is astounding.

This historic covered bridge allows horses to cross the creek that runs through the common area. It also serves as a meeting place for the neighborhood community during the warmer months.

Once you cross the creek and continue walking through the woods, you come upon a meadow with the second of two ponds on the property. I love the view of the hills and trees in the distance.

It's been difficult for me to articulate just how grateful I am for coming through my recent battle with cancer. Enjoying the day last Tuesday was extraordinary. More about gratitude in a future post!