Friday, August 22, 2014

Storyteller's Journey

My attempt at creating an avatar for my MG protagonist!
Inspired to Revise...Again!

After attending the SCBWI Summer Conference in Los Angeles a few weeks ago, I came home intent on giving my middle grade manuscript another revision.

The reason for my desire to give my story "another pass," was that after listening to the experienced authors, agents, and editors, I couldn't help but think of a few ways to improve my story. Then, the Newbery Medal-winning author, Linda Sue Park, gave a super inspired and informative keynote the last day of the conference. Several of her suggestions were completely new to me, and from listening to comments around me, new to many of the others in attendance as well. She also challenged all of us to "make every word count." (I especially enjoyed her remark: "don't bore the editor!")

So, I just finished another revision on my manuscript and have sent it to both my personal editor and a trusted beta reader for their feedback. After I hear back from them and incorporate their edits into my story it will be query time! (And then the agonizing wait begins.)

For great writing tips from Linda Sue Park, click here: