Friday, August 12, 2011

Storyteller's Journey

         Getting on the Twitter Train

One of those unexpected blessings, on my journey as a writer, has been getting to know literary types on Twitter. When I opened my account I felt I was doing something that would benefit me "down the road." However, I have conversed with intelligent, humorous, and inspirational folks on Twitter that I would have otherwise never met. This network of writers, agents, and publishers has not only given me a feeling of belonging; it has actually enriched and educated me as an aspiring author as well. Just this morning I received a "direct message" from a published author in the UK requesting I participate in a poll he was conducting as to which of three book covers voters preferred for his new release. Although this may seem minor, being treated as a peer in the literary world, is like fuel to the fire of my passion as a writer.
If you are not on Twitter, I encourage you to give it a try - All Aboard!