Friday, December 4, 2015

Storyteller's Journey

Fan-tastic Friday (It's a Giveaway!)
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Since we're now officially in the holiday season, I've decided to make today "Fan-tastic Friday" here on Writ of Whimsy.
Not one, but two contests!

Contest #1
I've been planning a giveaway for some time, but along the way another great opportunity presented itself: the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators has just revealed a new event for recently published books. You'll find a book launch party for The Tale of Willaby Creek here - with its great contest. Merely leave a comment in my guest book and you're eligible! (Check out all the other books here.)
Contest #2
Now, here are the details for my blog contest/giveaway: Pictured above are the two books I've had published with their matching bookmarks; they will be a big part of my blog's giveaway today. In addition to those items, one lucky winner will receive a $50.00 gift card from Amazon. (The Rafflecopter details are listed below.)
                                            Happy Holidays!

                  Click here to see the list of the lucky winners!

a Rafflecopter giveaway