Friday, January 10, 2020

Storyteller's Journey

Near Hood River, Oregon
My Need for Nature

It's been thirteen years since the idea for my first story meandered across my mind. It happened while we were staying in a rustic cabin in the Olympic National Forest following a severe windstorm.

That story later became my MG novel, The Tale of Willaby Creek.

As each year has come and gone, I've been inspired to write a number of stories - so far, three of them have been published. In each case, the natural world has been a key component for the inspiration of each story. For whatever reason, the setting of a story is almost always the driving force to motivate me to write a specific tale. It's probably due to my lifelong connection to the natural world. That being said, I also find it extremely important that I make time to spend quality time out in nature - not only for inspiration, but also for my personal well being.

Spending more time in the natural world is one of my goals for 2020. Just as I find it essential that I make time to read, it's also essential that I spend time communing with nature - wherever I happen to be.

For the next few Fridays I'll be posting my thoughts on those important elements that I'll be focusing on this year for my storyteller's journey.

Where do you most often find your creative inspiration?