Friday, March 11, 2016

Storyteller's Journey

Thistleberry Books

If you have had the chance to read my middle grade novel The Tale of Willaby Creek, you may have noticed on the copyright page that the publisher is Thistleberry Books - that's me!
Within the last couple of years I've learned a bit about who I am as a writer. One of the things I've discovered is that I not only enjoy writing, I enjoy seeing a book come to life: Its cover, its format, its chapter headings, etc. Consequently, I purchased the domain name of Thistleberry Books for those projects that I already know I'll want to publish independently. The name, and small press, will be used solely for my books, or those of my family members who'd like my assistance. Click here to view the website I created for Thistleberry Books.

While I still hope to be traditionally published, I know there will always be some projects where I will want most of the control. I've mentioned it before here on Writ of Whimsy: I see myself as a hybrid author.
(If you're unfamiliar with what that is, click on the link for information.)

You might ask, why the name Thistleberry Books? The answer to that lies in my maiden name: Cardon. In Old Norman French, it means thistle. In addition to that, due to its pointy, prickly spikes it symbolizes endurance and fortitude. (All writers can relate to needing those traits!) Besides, I just like the rhythm of the name - Thistleberry Books - it sounds like it might have something to do with children's literature.

As I mentioned above, I was the publisher for my middle grade novel The Tale of Willaby Creek. The book launch party for that novel - hosted by SCBWI - will only be online for three more weeks. If you'd like a chance to win a free signed copy of my middle grade novel, click here. Merely sign the guest book on the sidebar. The winners will be announced 3 weeks from today here on Writ of Whimsy. Good luck!