Monday, October 31, 2011

Bibliophile's Corner

Splurch Academy For Disruptive Boys
Curse of the Bizarro Beetle
by Julie Gardner & Sally Faye Gardner

Book Cover description:
The king of all troublemakers, Cody Mack is no stranger to the principal's office. But when his parents decided enough was enough, Cody was given a punishment far worse than he could ever dream up: Splurch Academy for Disruptive Boys.

With evil Headmaster Farley banished from school, Cody should be celebrating...but when he stumbles upon a creepy Egyptian beetle lurking in the school's dungeon, he knows that dark forces are on the rise at Splurch Academy.

My thoughts:
The middle grade novel, Curse of the Bizarro Beetle, just may be the zaniest children's book I've ever read. After Cody Mack is bitten by a rat-vampire he and his mischievous pals embark on a quest to keep him from becoming a vampire permanently. That is not Cody's only trouble - a large Egyptian beetle decides to attach itself around the young boy's neck. This comic adventure culminates on Halloween night; it is complete with colorful characters and dicey dialogue - a great book for a young boy who is a bit of a prankster.

                                                        Happy Halloween!