Pursuing my own PathWhen I first began writing in earnest, nearly twenty years ago, I had no idea where that path would take me. But like so many things in my life, it was to be unconventional.
I took college courses, attended writers' conferences, joined critique groups and book clubs. I queried numerous literary agents; I received numerous rejections. All in all, I learned a lot.
However, it wasn't until I launched out on my own that I really became a writer. A scribe that wrote from my own heart, about things that interested me; I was no longer concerned about what the market wanted. That's not to say that I didn't follow numerous rules about all sorts of things necessary to be a professional author. But it does mean that I chose the subject matter, the book covers, etc. I even formed my own boutique publishing company: Thistleberry Books. I worked with a printing house that does work for the "Big Five" publishing houses. Again, I learned a lot.
In 2014, my artist husband, Michael, and I traveled to Europe, visiting four countries. While we were in Italy, France, England, and Scotland, I did research for my book series, while Michael did plein air paintings. That trip was not only memorable, but it has also provided me with material as I continue to create The Time Travel Tales of Livvi Biddle.
Over the years, I've met dozens of writers hoping to get published; most never do. It's not easy obtaining an agent to represent your work, let alone be a champion for your stories. However, what I've realized is that for me it wasn't just about getting published; it really has been about creating stories. I live in the settings I create every day. It's what I do with my life: craft books for children. So, while some days I lament the fact that I never obtained an agent, I wouldn't change a thing. The freedom I have to create what I want, when I want, is something I truly cherish. I've learned I can do way more than I ever thought I could.