Digging up the PastWhen I began plotting my middle grade light fantasy/historical fiction series over a decade ago, I knew it would require research, and lots of it.
When you set a story in a famous place (or any place unfamiliar to you) you need to visit that location, in addition to your reading, etc. So I thought I'd share with you a bit of my travels from 2014 when I was first researching the locations featured in my series. Below are just a few:
Here I'm pictured in Venice, standing on the Pont della Paglia (bridge) not far from our hotel and Piazzo San Marco. It's also super close to the Santa Maria della Pieta (church) and former site of Ospedale della Pieta (orphanage and school) where Antonio Vivaldi taught orphan girls, while he was also busy composing hundreds of concertos!
After we left our week-long visit in Italy (including our initial destination in Rome), we took the train to France. We spent time in Provence and Paris, but our ultimate goal was Normandy. We visited Rouen, Omaha Beach, and finally Giverny - home of Claude Monet. The second book in The Time Travel Tales of Livvi Biddle includes France as one of the settings. Nimbus Over Normandy will release later this year.
Here I'm pictured at Stonehenge in England. This is the first setting that launched my fantasy series. Sometimes you get lucky when you're researching: I had chosen to feature Winston Churchill in my novel long ago; while researching, I discovered that the former Prime Minister of the U.K. (1940-1945, 1951-1955) loved to visit Stonehenge! Obviously, I used that tidbit in the plot for the first book in my series: The Sibylline Scroll.
Finally, this photo was taken in the Scottish Highlands; the fifth book in my seven-book series will be set in Scotland. For some reason, it reminded me of the Pacific Northwest, just a bit. Absolutely stunning. (I'm also a big fan of the Outlander series, by Diana Gabaldon!)
These photos focus on just four of the countries that will be featured in my seven-book series. I previously visited Israel years ago but have very few photos remaining from that trip. There's also at least one more country I need to visit very soon, but I won't tell you which one!
Since each of my novels features an historic figure, there's been tons of reading over the years on Winston Church, Claude Monet, Antonio Vivaldi, and others. There will be female icons featured too, I promise!